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The truth about Australian Wills. 

Why doesn't every parent know this?

I used to think having a Will wasn’t important.  

I thought everything goes to the husband or kids anyway, so Wills didn’t matter.



And the reality is stark for Australian parents who don’t understand what Wills are meant to do.


My background is in design and web development, and it was only during a chance meeting with my now co-founder Tim Purcell that I learned the truth about Australian Wills.


Learning the truth about Wills was like being let in on a special secret that smart Aussies and their advisers had been keeping from the rest of Australia.


I was genuinely shocked – it didn’t make sense.


Why wasn’t this common knowledge? Why didn’t every parent know this?


It’s a secret that EVERY single Aussie family should be benefiting from, and be protected by.


But NO-ONE knows about it!


The truth about Wills comes down to two important lessons I learned early on. 


Knowing what these are is all it takes for Aussies to avoid unnecessary risk for themselves, their spouse and their children. 

My initial discussion with my co-founder Tim was my trigger to get involved and do something about the scary reality of so many normal Aussies relying on outdated Wills that can have heartbreaking long term  consequences for their children and grand-children.

All because most Aussies DON’T UNDERSTAND WILLS. 

It just didn’t have to be this way. 

And I now knew that really smart Wills prepared by experts were the solution.


So, my plan was simple.

I would help teach my fellow Aussies the truth about Wills.


So, what did I learn about Wills?

Lesson #1

Wills are not meant to be the basic 2-5 page documents.


Wills drafted by experts are closer to 30 pages long and provide opportunities to minimise tax on inherited assets along with valuable family and wealth protections by providing beneficiaries with the option to inherit via trusts created by the Will (known as 'testamentary trusts').


These trusts act as the beneficiaries 'private bank' that they fully control, and help shield an inheritance when a beneficiary faces a personal or financial crisis such as a divorce, de facto relationship break-down, bankruptcy, business failure, owing creditors and other third party threats.


These comprehensive estate planning Wills are specifically drafted to create a long-term financial legacy for you, your children and grandchildren.


They also  make life simpler for executors and family members and they are exactly how smart Aussies help minimise risk and help keep wealth ‘in the family’ generation after generation.

Lesson #2

The consequences of relying on a basic 2-5 page Will can be CATASTROPHIC. Most people don’t realise all the ways that you, your spouse or your children can lose inherited assets: 

Family Disputes! Divorce! Defacto break-ups! Bankruptcy! Creditors! Business failure! Personal problems! Inheriting too young! Drug addiction! Mental health issues! Income Tax! Capital Gains Tax!

……& the list just goes on and on.


Standard 2-5 page Wills make no attempt to protect family wealth from any of this, while great Wills are drafted by experts TO DO JUST THAT - plan for the worst. 

So, my co-founder Tim Purcell and I asked ourselves;

What problems are causing Aussies to rely on these outdated problematic Wills?


It’s the obvious question…and the answers to this question are what led us to create the solution.


Problem #1 – KNOWLEDGE


If no-one knows there is a problem they won’t look for the solution.


Problem #2 – PRICE


Wills drafted by experts are expensive, often thousands of dollars.


Problem #3 – TIME


Life is busy. Finding the time to go see a lawyer is not easy.

So, we then asked ourselves another question;


How can we solve these problems?


Fast forward through a lot of hard work (and some tears) and my co-founder Tim and I started our company Will Wizard.

Will Wizard provides solutions to each of these three problems by combining the latest technology with great Wills prepared by experts.

Solution #1 – KNOWLEDGE


If you are reading this you now know there is a problem (basic Wills are outdated and cause problems) and that smart Wills from Will Wizard are the solution.


Solution #2 – PRICE


Will Wizard means all Aussies can now afford a smart Will that helps shield beneficiaries in crisis, helps protect inherited assets & helps minimises tax. Our Wills also come with free changes, free delivery and many other important legal features that Aussie parents must have in their Wills.


Solution #3 – TIME


You never have to leave your home! A few minutes online and your comprehensive Will Wizard portfolio is delivered to your door. We've done the heavy lifting and bring the expertise to you.



If you have someone you love, and you own something of value like a home, or an investment, some super, or maybe some life insurance, then YES THIS APPLIES TO YOU.



Over the last 10 years we’ve seen bad things happen to good people who had every intention of getting their Wills sorted, but never did.

Major life events often trigger people to think about Wills.


Getting married, having kids, buying a house, going overseas, retiring.

But too often these moments pass by without any action.


Our cause is simple - we want all Australians protected by great Wills.

So why do I think you should choose Will Wizard?

Along with no meetings, no expensive legal fees with free changes and free delivery, here are three key reasons you should rely on Will Wizard:

#1 Create a protected legacy for yourself, your spouse and your children!

Our Wills incorporate the inheritance protection and tax minimisation advantages of estate planning Wills that allow beneficiaries (if they so choose) to inherit via their own special testamentary trust that they personally control like their own private bank.


Will Wizard also provides important safeguards that helps executors to protect beneficiaries and their inherited assets during times of personal or financial crisis, among a host of other important risk preventative measures.

#2 Everything you need in one place!

No one else offers our truly holistic legal solution. Every Will Wizard customer receives a secure zipper portfolio that includes:

  • Will Wizard Testamentary Trust Wills

  • Plain language Will summary (so you understand your Wills)

  • Guide For Will Owners (so you sign and execute them properly)

  • Guide For Executors

  • Guide for Beneficiaries

  • Beneficiary Loans & Assets Record

  • Family Heirlooms and Chattels Record

  • Social Media Data Record

  • Pet Guardianship Record

  • Guide to Powers of Attorney & Enduring Guardianship

  • PLUS more!


#3 Will Wizard is risk free!

Every Will Wizard customer receives FREE CHANGES to their decisions and nominations.

Why? Because we understand people’s lives change and people can change their minds, and we don’t want you risking your family’s future by delaying this important life step any longer!




Anything could happen tomorrow.

We know it’s hard to think about this stuff. But having a great Will is one of those necessary things that must be done for you and your family.

That’s why we’ve made it as EASY AS PIE.


We hope you rely on our great Wills soon.

All the very best from us! Here’s to a safe, happy and relaxed future for you and yours.


Claire (and the Will Wizard team)

It's easy :)
10 minutes only;
No financial details required;
Step by step guidance;
Prepared by experts;
Free changes.
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